About Jess

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Now in my 50’s, I have lived a wonderful life of change, challenge and incredible growth.  I find myself at a stage where gratitude permeates my mind and I am keen to help others do the same.  Life is complicated – of that I am sure! At the same time life is like a game waiting to be mastered. Each level harder than the one before and each one requiring extra time before moving to the next level.  Some of my “levels” have included: being a daughter, sister and community member of Indian decent, navigating through school as a visible minority, rising as a woman in a male dominated corporate world while raising a family, learning how to succeed at work without losing myself, steering a family business, and learning how to gracefully exit the corporate setting all while keeping my ego in check!

And now life and executive coaching is my chosen path.  I am deeply interested in the answers to questions that promote people to build new connections with themselves. Questions that don’t have surface answers. Questions that unlock the next level. I challenge my clients to create their vision of a thriving life.


I believe that it is our birthright to be joyful and happy. Life can make that challenging to see and sometimes you just need someone in your corner to figure things out. I work with clients to develop a path of sustainable happiness.  I support them in their journey to see their life through new glasses.

Working together some results you can look forward to include:

  • greater self understanding

  • different perspectives on your life

  • feeling validated and “lighter”

  • feeling more positive about life

  • feeling more organized to move towards your goals 

When you unload that which is not authentically you, so much space opens up. Space that can be filled with your gifts. And trust me, you have gifts. Authentic happiness is when you are grounded in your gifts and fill up with dynamic energy that is apparent to all.

I want to hear your life story – shall we talk?

Signature Character Strengths

Signature Strengths are those strengths that are most essential to who you are and define you as a person. What is most important about the designation of “signature strengths” is that they are the character traits that are most dominant, the ones that define an important core of the individual.

Expressing signature strengths of character feels comfortable and natural, not requiring substantial effort or a significant degree of willpower. Upon completing the VIA Character Strengths Assessment, my top 5 signature strengths (out of list of 24) include:









Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence

Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence